Thank you For Making Gainesville
BarCamp 2014 A Success!
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What is Gainesville BarCamp?
At BarCamp, you don’t have to be an expert to give a talk, you just have to be passionate.
There isn't a predetermined speaker list or a bunch of people in suits passing out business cards. You can expect more of the crowd you're used to: A developer in a tee shirt talking about using apps to home-brew beer, a photographer sharing their community art project they started, a barista teaching you how to crochet, a startup owner with great tips on creating an awesome work environment, and everything in between.
BarCamp is a chance to network, learn something new, and communicate what you're most passionate about. Come one, come all. No boring talks to sift through in order to get to the good ones; the power is totally in your hands to hear what you're interested in!
There isn't a predetermined speaker list or a bunch of people in suits passing out business cards. You can expect more of the crowd you're used to: A developer in a tee shirt talking about using apps to home-brew beer, a photographer sharing their community art project they started, a barista teaching you how to crochet, a startup owner with great tips on creating an awesome work environment, and everything in between.
BarCamp is a chance to network, learn something new, and communicate what you're most passionate about. Come one, come all. No boring talks to sift through in order to get to the good ones; the power is totally in your hands to hear what you're interested in!
Gainesville BarCamp 2014 was hosted at the Historic Depot Building (behind GRU) in downtown Gainesville.
201 SE Depot Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32601 |
BarCamp is all about sharing your passion with others through sessions. Click on the button below to check out some examples of sessions. Attendees will be able to sign up to present up until the last slot is full. Just show up and throw your name on the schedule!
Our awesome sponsors who made BarCamp 2014 possible.